Blue and red rods engulfed by fire and lightning. Magnifying glass highlights blue and red helices on the surface of the rods.
A Virus that Generates Electricity 
Melting a bacteriophage’s coat of proteins turns it into a tiny power plant, which could fire up the discovery of new bioengineered devices.
A Virus that Generates Electricity 
A Virus that Generates Electricity 

Melting a bacteriophage’s coat of proteins turns it into a tiny power plant, which could fire up the discovery of new bioengineered devices.

Melting a bacteriophage’s coat of proteins turns it into a tiny power plant, which could fire up the discovery of new bioengineered devices.


Human finger touching a conceptual image of a brain, triggering an electrical spark.
Shaping Brain Recovery Using Bioelectricity
Iris Kulbatski, PhD | Aug 4, 2023 | 3 min read
Scientists are decoding how electrically stimulating transplanted stem cells helps heal the injured brain.