Three flying foxes (a type of bat) hanging upside down on a bare branch
Climate Change, Deforestation Drive Bat Virus Spillover Into Humans
Bats that experience food shortages due to climate change and habitat loss end up roosting in urban settings, where they shed more of the deadly Hendra virus. 
Climate Change, Deforestation Drive Bat Virus Spillover Into Humans
Climate Change, Deforestation Drive Bat Virus Spillover Into Humans

Bats that experience food shortages due to climate change and habitat loss end up roosting in urban settings, where they shed more of the deadly Hendra virus. 

Bats that experience food shortages due to climate change and habitat loss end up roosting in urban settings, where they shed more of the deadly Hendra virus. 

flying foxes

Thousands of Australian Animals Die in Unprecedented Heatwave
Jef Akst | Jan 17, 2019 | 2 min read
Freshwater fish suffer from low levels of oxygen in the country’s rivers, while bats are unable to survive the extreme air temperatures.
Like Humans, Walruses and Bats Cuddle Infants on Their Left Sides
Katarina Zimmer | Jan 10, 2018 | 4 min read
These mothers and babies keep each other in their left visual fields during maternal care, which aids right-hemisphere processing.